
Posts Tagged ‘filmy’

RedTube fights for its future

December 27th, 2013

UseNeXT increased retention of binary data

September 7th, 2009

UseNeXT sharply increased retention of binary data from 200 days to 350 days. This is so surprising that it was not preceded by any of the information campaign. Now everyone interested in binary: music files, movies and erotica will be able to enjoy access to a truly sizable repository of such data. At the same time all UseNeXT offers unsurpassed service period to test its Trial or lasting 14 days and allows downloading up to 150GB of data. Trial is really unlimited account for which is set 1Mbps download speed, plus 5GB of data without any restrictions. Read more…

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Usenet Trial

September 5th, 2009

Usenet was created in the U.S. and from there derives most companies that offer paid access to the resources of Usenet. The original Usenet treated as a forum for the exchange of ideas and based on the text has been dominated by the exchange of binary files. Just Usenet has evolved in the direction of commercial services primarily to the exchange of binary files between users. Remain exceptions to this rule such as Giganews offering the company’s largest next to Google’s data retention time text . Read more…

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Usenet – medium do wymiany plików

June 23rd, 2009

Dokonując wyboru dostawcy Usenetu zwracaj uwagę na to, czy grupy dyskusyjne podlegają cenzurze treści i czy provider sprawdza i gromadzi informacje o tobie i twoich działaniach w sieci. Wybieraj takiego dostawce, który zaoferuje anonimowość i dostęp do nieograniczonej ilości binariów, plików audio i video, programów i treści.
W dobie śledzenia naszych ruchów w sieci p2p Usenet jest wyspa szczęśliwości i wymiany wielkich ilości informacji miedzy użytkownikami.

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