
Posts Tagged ‘MPAA’

MPAA wants to close Fileserve, MediaFire, Wupload, PutLocker and DepositFiles

April 6th, 2012

How was it with access to the usenet in 2011?

December 30th, 2011

Stop Online Piracy Act. Copyright owners do their own right

November 19th, 2011

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Services illegally distributing movies. UseNeXT also feeling the pinch.

October 31st, 2011

MPAA lists sites that infringe copyright in a letter to the U.S. Government

November 20th, 2010

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Newzbin closed

May 19th, 2010

shutdownMain NZB indexing site was officially closed. Unfortunately, after losing cases with movie studios for copyright infringement came changes. After removing the disputed content search engine continued to exist until now. was closed yesterday, because I can not do their duty. According to information posted on the company is guilty of others, even several hundred thousand pounds, including the penalty of losing a process with the MPAA – the American Association designed to advance the business interests of movie studios rate of up to 230,000 pounds.
Closure of the site may also involve technical problems. Usenet users demanded from Newzbin publicity, however, the code search company did not agree to it. However, rumors circulate about a robbery and copy the code and databases. This is not meaningless because a good few years ago, hackers broke into the site and stole customer base item, and soon formed other NZB search engine with similar-looking code.
Other indexing sites can find in the earlier article on this topic here.

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