
Posts Tagged ‘diskusní skupiny’

Giganews goes ahead

May 20th, 2010

Giganews just crossed the 650 days of binary retention. It is the undisputed leader among providers of usenet. The truth is that Giganews has exceptionally good, and scalable infrastructure allowing the continuous increase retention while maintaining completeness. Thus, Giganews does not reject some lesser-used newsgroups only cares about the completeness of all newsgroups and they are kept.

Elizabeth Kintzele, Director of Sales at Giganews said:
We are continuously focused on creating and maintaining an exceptional system that allows us to continue adding days of retention.  It takes a lot of work and the right people – we have the space, the staff, and the in-house scalable infrastructure to store and support the data and system in order to allow for growth and adjustments.

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VyprVPN and Giganews

March 17th, 2010

gnservers Giganews Giganews announced that the Golden Frog VPN software came out of the test phase and will be attached to your Diamond account on the lifetime.
VyprVPN encrypts all outbound traffic from your computer and coming to the PC.
So to get your Diamond as a value-added software for $14.99.

Giganews is still a leader in the world of Usenet. Constantly working on improving its offer. The company emphasizes its innovation in this market by introducing strict criteria for customer service.

Never met a company with such good support, which ensures the majority of responses in less than 10 minutes around the world anytime, day or night. And the responses are from individuals rather than machines. Read more…

Articles, Usenet Providers, Software , , , ,

Usenet – questions

February 20th, 2010

Usenet (newsgroups) is an advanced and well-known solution. Many of our readers are young people and Usenet is an unknown thing for them. There are many questions. Sometimes the questions are so weird but it now is, that we seek answers in the network.

Usenet – which is the company?
Usenet is not a company. Is a worldwide system of newsgroups from which you can use the Internet. It consists of thousands of thematic groups, arranged in a hierarchical structure. E-mail messages reminding users send to the Usenet servers, and servers creating a network automatically exchange them among themselves. Usenet is increasingly used for entertainment and for its users by exchanging movies, music, photos, programs and other binary files. Read more…

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The most frequent question

February 6th, 2010

“I have downloaded a newsreader called Grabit. Is this the best free one available for Windows? I have also subscribed to Astraweb and am now looking for newsgroups that carry binary files of movies and tv shows that i can download and view on my computer.
Does anybody know of any good ones?”

“Do you know about nzb files?
If not, read up on them. It’ll answer the answer of how do I find movies and stuff on the newsgroups.” Read more…

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Google Groups?

January 27th, 2010

usenet Google can very effectively selected portfolio of products and services. Usenet also could not be crumpled by Google. And so in 2001, Google acquired the Usenet archive Deja News. History is quite interesting, because Deja News was founded in 1985 as a public Usenet archive by a man named Steve Madere. One advantage was that the archive retained messages indefinitely and it also offered an innovative approach to searching. However, over time the company started to transform into the shopping portal. In 2000 the company fell into financial trouble and the service was sold to eBay. They absorbed a part of Deja News. Google bought archives and changed its name to the Google Groups archive of expanding the private data collected back until 1981 thus becoming the largest repository of text in Usenet.

Google Groups Usenet or classic? Read more…

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How to choose an usenet account?

October 18th, 2009

Usenet Providers usually offer the following types of accounts:

1.Unlimited account.
2.Account with the monthly data limit.
3.Manual account.
4.Block account.

Unlimited account does not require translation. Once you download just as much as you want with a fixed monthly fee. Most accounts are renewed automatically each month, unless we abandon the service.
Most competitive solutions in this segment are: Read more…

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