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Google Groups?

January 27th, 2010

usenet Google can very effectively selected portfolio of products and services. Usenet also could not be crumpled by Google. And so in 2001, Google acquired the Usenet archive Deja News. History is quite interesting, because Deja News was founded in 1985 as a public Usenet archive by a man named Steve Madere. One advantage was that the archive retained messages indefinitely and it also offered an innovative approach to searching. However, over time the company started to transform into the shopping portal. In 2000 the company fell into financial trouble and the service was sold to eBay. They absorbed a part of Deja News. Google bought archives and changed its name to the Google Groups archive of expanding the private data collected back until 1981 thus becoming the largest repository of text in Usenet.

Google Groups Usenet or classic?

Let us be clear that Google Groups is a resource text. There will not find a binary resource.

If you need a high retention of text data that is written information you’re interested in this choice, you have two options:
Google Groups – Usenet archives until 1981,
Giganews – Usenet archives for 2409 days (nearly 7 years, as at writing a post) back.

If you want to use the extensive resources of both text and binary resources – even those located on 537 days back (almost 1.5 years as at writing a post) is one choice: Giganews.

If you are interested predominantly binary resources and therefore videos, pictures, etc. is not paying attention to text data retention and binary data retention not for everyone must be a priority. Then choose the most advantageous offer price for access to Usenet.
If you want good and cheap Usenet is a huge choice but Astraweb wins. It should also pay attention to cheap Supernews.

But if you want to have the best solution, all possible services and additional products in this package is Giganews.

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