
Posts Tagged ‘Giganews’

Giganews Team

March 19th, 2010

supernews Giganews has substantially increased the retention time in their companies.
Power Usenet now offers binary data retention time 400 days. also offers 500 days retention time.
Supernews, which has one fixed rate for their unlimited plan is now offering up to 400 days retention time.
For this it should be noted that Giganews offers 589 days retention time of binary data. So if you have any recording released on the newsgroups one and a half years ago that it is still available if you use the Giganews service. At the time of publication of this entry and Power Usenet websites do not yet have information about the changes. On the Supernews information is already there. Read more…

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VyprVPN and Giganews

March 17th, 2010

gnservers Giganews Giganews announced that the Golden Frog VPN software came out of the test phase and will be attached to your Diamond account on the lifetime.
VyprVPN encrypts all outbound traffic from your computer and coming to the PC.
So to get your Diamond as a value-added software for $14.99.

Giganews is still a leader in the world of Usenet. Constantly working on improving its offer. The company emphasizes its innovation in this market by introducing strict criteria for customer service.

Never met a company with such good support, which ensures the majority of responses in less than 10 minutes around the world anytime, day or night. And the responses are from individuals rather than machines. Read more…

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Google Groups?

January 27th, 2010

usenet Google can very effectively selected portfolio of products and services. Usenet also could not be crumpled by Google. And so in 2001, Google acquired the Usenet archive Deja News. History is quite interesting, because Deja News was founded in 1985 as a public Usenet archive by a man named Steve Madere. One advantage was that the archive retained messages indefinitely and it also offered an innovative approach to searching. However, over time the company started to transform into the shopping portal. In 2000 the company fell into financial trouble and the service was sold to eBay. They absorbed a part of Deja News. Google bought archives and changed its name to the Google Groups archive of expanding the private data collected back until 1981 thus becoming the largest repository of text in Usenet.

Google Groups Usenet or classic? Read more…

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Usenet Top 4 by feedback from our readers

January 23rd, 2010

Based on data collected from our readers TOP 4 companies that offer paid access to Usenet in the last quarter is not changed and still is as follows:

UseNeXT – enjoys a remarkable interest of our readers and has already been featured on the blog.
Astraweb – is gaining in popularity after a good unlimited plan for clients. Read more…

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Giganews strikes again

January 13th, 2010

Giganews surprises his support and added services. To merge with the Giganews servers we use encrypted SSL. Now Giganews did step further and suggested encrypting the entire Internet activity.

Giganews Newsgroups

The user using software called VyprVPN has the opportunity to merge with the nearest server (servers) VPN, which offers full anonymity of traffic from our device (computer, laptop, PDA, cell phone) to the VPN servers. Read more…

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SuperNews Usenet is just for you

September 25th, 2009
Supernews Newsgroups

Last night we received a Giganews reply to other companies who trample on the heels of providing Usenet for $ 11. The answer should be simple and uniform SuperNews firm offer.
SuperNews been on the market since 1995. The year 2008 was bought by Giganews. SuperNews offer was not competitive against the market with the retention time of binary data rate of 200 days and uncompetitive prices. Just like other usenet prividers like Astraweb, Ngroups, Newsdemon offered much more by taking the fight to the giant that is Giganews. Read more…

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Astraweb behind Giganews Usenet

September 22nd, 2009

In the past few days Astraweb increased retention of binary data from 390 days to 400 days and it seems that it will apply the same treatment as the moving Giganews retention. Giganews is the undisputed leader of quality approach to client servicing. Astraweb using a variable economic situation all the time becomes attracted to each other more and more new customers who pay attention primarily on price. In the U.S., this trend is very evident. I hope that Giganews again positively surprised by their existing and new customers.

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Giganews exceeds 400 days binary retention limit

September 12th, 2009

Giganews is the world’s famous Usenet provider and nowadays push retention in to extraordinary levels. The company now provides customers with more than 400 days of binary retention in all 100,000 plus newsgroups. Text retention is 2273 days and increasing.
Here is the press release that Giganews announced yesterday: Read more…

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Usenet Trial

September 5th, 2009

Usenet was created in the U.S. and from there derives most companies that offer paid access to the resources of Usenet. The original Usenet treated as a forum for the exchange of ideas and based on the text has been dominated by the exchange of binary files. Just Usenet has evolved in the direction of commercial services primarily to the exchange of binary files between users. Remain exceptions to this rule such as Giganews offering the company’s largest next to Google’s data retention time text . Read more…

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August 31st, 2009

For many years, Giganews appointed a new standard for Usenet. Giganews Is still a company that imposes another new look at the future of Usenet. It provides the greatest binary retention and unmatched retenion of text data. Giganews started the race on time, increasing the retention and increasing the maximum number of simultaneous connections. None of the providers do not offer such opportunities to reach the highest level of services to almost every point of the world . Read more…

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Usenet archives

August 24th, 2009

Usenet is a great repository of data. Many users use it not only by downloading or providing binary data but also often the text is more important. This happens more often when you begin to perceive it as a useful tool in our work. Occurs the question of who can provide us with the archives of the newsgroups for a few years back. After a brief review of the market appears to be only one company: Giganews. Giganews gives us the possibility of using text resources on the Usenet, over 6 years ago-now it is exactly 2254 days. Competitors are far behind – the best can offer about 3 years text data retention. Read more…

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Giganews breaks barrier of 365 days

August 8th, 2009

Giganews crossed the barrier of 365 days of data retention in all binary newsgroups, which are made available. Thus, the company has become the undisputed leader.
Year-round binary data retention is a big effort. The company provides users with Giganews retention throughout the year and the largest number of newsgroups than any other Usenet provider. Philips Molter responsible for technology Giganews said, “Providing 365 days of retention is a triumph for us and for Usenet in general.” You can not disagree with his words as Giganews company sets the trends in the development of Usenet since 1998.
Giganews Newsgroups

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Giganews zwiększa liczbę równoczesnych połączeń dla wszystkich kont

July 13th, 2009

Firma Giganews wprowadziła znaczące zmiany w swoich planach abonamentowych. 11 lipca zostały wprowadzone zmiany dotyczące konta Diamond – użytkownicy tego planu otrzymali dodatkowo 30 połączeń do wykorzystania co daje łącznie 50 równoczesnych połączeń i znacznie zwiększa prędkość ściągania danych. Pozostałe plany taryfowe zostały upgrade’owane do limitu 20 równoczesnych połączeń na każde konto. Firma Giganews tym samym odpowiedziała pozytywnie na prośby internautów o zwiększenie liczby równoczesnych polaczen , żeby maksymalnie zwiększyć prędkość ściągania danych. W ten sposób Giganews po raz kolejny wyznacza nowe trendy i po raz kolejny łamie bariery tak , by liczba połączeń nie była przeszkodą dla użytkowników Usenetu.
Cały czas otwieram oczy ze zdumienia patrząc na wyczyny Giganews, bo raz za razem firma zaskakuje pozytywnymi informacjami i wyznacza nowe trendy dla providerów . Z czasem retencji binariów na poziomie 340 dni i celem wyznaczonym na 365 dni jak również planami taryfowymi ta firma bije konkurencje na głowę.

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