
Posts Tagged ‘NZB’

Meet usenet with just4today

October 14th, 2011

Usenet is on the radar?

May 7th, 2011

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polski.

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September 5th, 2010

Mac OS X usenet newsreaders

August 2nd, 2010

appleChange the hardware and operating system. Change the computer from PC to Mac and change the operating system from Microsoft Windows to Mac OS X. Want to use Usenet and download interesting videos on the computer. Well, we have a problem, because most programs are newsgroups clients on Microsoft systems.
We are looking further and it turns out that, however, is not so bad, and some interesting items on the market there. Among them, for sure, I recommend:

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Newzbin is back

June 5th, 2010

newzbin2Newzbin operates again. The same domain, the same code with slight changes, the old users can log on to old logins and passwords. A miracle? No. It is a planned share of people under the name Team R Dogs. My favorite answer as service code got in their hands. They freed the code for the site. Code wants to be free. It is a thought.
Now, no longer fighting for freedom, but we are fighting for freedom on the Internet and that is to have equal access to the solutions which others prohibit. Read more…

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Newzbin reactivation

May 29th, 2010

regenerateIn the second half of May old NZB Newzbin service users began to receive messages that the service will be reactivated. Group claim to have the source code, database and domain, which has been traded to a company registered in Seychelles.

In the previous article I described why the service was shut down. Unfortunately, an organization representing the interests of the U.S. film studios won in court and Newzbin had to suspend activities. The company also has no money to pay sizeable damages and court fees. Read more…

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Newzbin closed

May 19th, 2010

shutdownMain NZB indexing site was officially closed. Unfortunately, after losing cases with movie studios for copyright infringement came changes. After removing the disputed content search engine continued to exist until now. was closed yesterday, because I can not do their duty. According to information posted on the company is guilty of others, even several hundred thousand pounds, including the penalty of losing a process with the MPAA – the American Association designed to advance the business interests of movie studios rate of up to 230,000 pounds.
Closure of the site may also involve technical problems. Usenet users demanded from Newzbin publicity, however, the code search company did not agree to it. However, rumors circulate about a robbery and copy the code and databases. This is not meaningless because a good few years ago, hackers broke into the site and stole customer base item, and soon formed other NZB search engine with similar-looking code.
Other indexing sites can find in the earlier article on this topic here.

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Usenet – questions

February 20th, 2010

Usenet (newsgroups) is an advanced and well-known solution. Many of our readers are young people and Usenet is an unknown thing for them. There are many questions. Sometimes the questions are so weird but it now is, that we seek answers in the network.

Usenet – which is the company?
Usenet is not a company. Is a worldwide system of newsgroups from which you can use the Internet. It consists of thousands of thematic groups, arranged in a hierarchical structure. E-mail messages reminding users send to the Usenet servers, and servers creating a network automatically exchange them among themselves. Usenet is increasingly used for entertainment and for its users by exchanging movies, music, photos, programs and other binary files. Read more…

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The most frequent question

February 6th, 2010

“I have downloaded a newsreader called Grabit. Is this the best free one available for Windows? I have also subscribed to Astraweb and am now looking for newsgroups that carry binary files of movies and tv shows that i can download and view on my computer.
Does anybody know of any good ones?”

“Do you know about nzb files?
If not, read up on them. It’ll answer the answer of how do I find movies and stuff on the newsgroups.” Read more…

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Ways to search for information on Usenet

September 17th, 2009

Usenet the older the better. Why Usenet is experiencing its second youth? Now, Usenet manages to successfully develop and grow in strength when under fire, and there are P2P and Torrents. Why? Usenet has a higher threshold of entry, and requires some knowledge of users, it is not so user friendly. The name itself does not indicate the user-friendliness but suggests that large amounts of data and user activity. Usenet fleeing from censorship and provides security through the SSL protocol, even when our internet provider imposes limits. Read more…

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Newzleech is down again. Try other indexing sites

September 10th, 2009

Service NZB file search engine that is commonly called the Usenet search engine does not work. What shall we do when we want to find the NZB files?
Nothing simpler. Although the is very popular when it is a problem with this service we have available to many other sites that do not require registration and are free. Of course, if you want to pay to such sites is much more. Many newsreaders have the tools built. Read more…

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Pliki .NZB

July 23rd, 2009

Wielu zaczynających przygodę z Usenetem pyta co zrobić z plikami .NZB i co to jest.
W dwóch wcześniejszych artykułach wspomniałem jak posługiwać się plikami NZB:
Szybki start z Usenetem na przykładzie czytnika grup dyskusyjnych Alt.Binz
Jak wyszukać pliki NZB

Teraz ze względu na wielość informacji wskazane by było to zebrać i przedstawić jeszcze raz w prosty i klarowny sposób. Mam nadzieje, że jeśli poprzednie dwa artykuły czegoś nie wyjaśniły to ten wyjaśni to na dobre. Read more…

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Czytnik grup dyskusyjnych BinJet

July 17th, 2009

Przeszukując Internet wpadłem ostatnio na darmowy newsreader Binjet Downloader. Nie miałem okazji go jeszcze przetestować ale przede wszystkim jest darmowy i oferuje pelną obsługę binariów : zdjęć, MP3, plików video, gier i innych. Binjet obsługuje pliki .NZB i .BFT i oczywiście pozwala na ściąganie binariów z maksymalna dostępna prędkością i ilością równoczesnych połączeń jakie przydziela nam provider Usenetu. Binjet powinien być w miarę łatwy w obsłudze dzięki czytelnemu interfejsowi a konfiguracja nie odbiega od tej w Alt.Binz czy innych czytnikach. Czytnik oferuje dekodowanie plików, obsługuje yEnc, potrafi składać pliki. W wersji 3.02 można używać nawet nielimitowaną liczbę równoległych połączeń ale to już wodotrysk według mnie.
Ważne jest to, że wielu użytkowników Visty ucieszy się, bo program oczywiście działa pod tym systemem.
Obsługiwane systemy: Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows Server 2008, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 98.
Binjet download

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